I was silent for about 3 months or so. There was no interesting topics to discuss and I hardly worked on my public projects, including PowerShell PKI module, PS Cmdlet Help Editor and ASN.1 Editor (not yet public). Today I completed new PS PKI module release and there is something to talk about.

New milestone

Hellya! We reached 2000 downloads in 6 months! I think, it is a good progress! :)

As promised, there was a need to move forward and use some more efficient tools. As the result, my underlying API library was migrated to .NET Framework 4.0. There are no plans to move to 4.5, so you can be safe about this. For some time. Windows PowerShell 2.0 do not support CLR 4.0 assemblies, therefore, Windows PowerShell 2.0 is out of support. Although, PowerShell scripts are written in PS v2.0 and do not use any features of new languages, I don’t think, it will be a big problem. Minimum supported PowerShell version is 3.0.

Existing changes


The biggest change in this release is CA database access experience. Previously we had only four commands to access some CA database contents:

In v2.8 I added another command: Get-IssuedCRL. Actually, this command was a PoC (or draft) to provide enhanced access to a CA database. What next? Get-Attribute, Get-Extension to access Attribute and Extension tables? It was simple solution, but would add too many commands. Finally, I decided to regroup the code and provide one universal CA dumping function called Get-DatabaseRow. This function allows to access any database row in any table. In other words, it is a super-function, while already mentioned 4 functions are subset of this function. These functions will not be discontinued, as they provide the most common access functionality. The syntax of new command is the same as in familiar Get-*Request. The only difference is that there is a new parameter which accepts the table name to access.

Let’s recap general access techniques. First, we need to get the schema of the table to be accessed:

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-CASchema -Table crl

Name                               DisplayName                      DataType  MaxLength  IsIndexed
----                               -----------                      --------  ---------  ---------
CRLRowId                           CRL Row ID                       Long      4          True
CRLNumber                          CRL Number                       Long      4          True
CRLMinBase                         CRL Minimum Base Number          Long      4          False
CRLNameId                          CRL Name ID                      Long      4          False
CRLCount                           CRL Count                        Long      4          False
CRLThisUpdate                      CRL This Update                  DateTime  8          False
CRLNextUpdate                      CRL Next Update                  DateTime  8          True
CRLThisPublish                     CRL This Publish                 DateTime  8          False
CRLNextPublish                     CRL Next Publish                 DateTime  8          True
CRLEffective                       CRL Effective                    DateTime  8          False
CRLPropagationComplete             CRL Propagation Complete         DateTime  8          True
CRLLastPublished                   CRL Last Published               DateTime  8          True
CRLPublishAttempts                 CRL Publish Attempts             Long      4          True
CRLPublishFlags                    CRL Publish Flags                Long      4          False
CRLPublishStatusCode               CRL Publish Status Code          Long      4          True
CRLPublishError                    CRL Publish Error Information    String    8192       False
CRLRawCRL                          CRL Raw CRL                      Binary    536870912  False

PS C:\>

We can use column names to create filters. For example, retrieve CRLs issued during last week:

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-DatabaseRow -Table CRL -Filter "CRLThisUpdate -gt $((Get-Date).AddDays(-7))"

CRLRowId             : 15320
CRLNumber            : 5079
CRLThisUpdate        : 2014.08.05. 9:09:37
CRLNextUpdate        : 2014.08.06. 10:29:37
CRLPublishStatusCode : 0
CRLPublishError      : -
RowId                : 15320
RequestId            : 0
ConfigString         : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table                : CRL

CRLRowId             : 15321
CRLNumber            : 5079
CRLThisUpdate        : 2014.08.05. 9:09:37
CRLNextUpdate        : 2014.08.06. 10:29:37
CRLPublishStatusCode : 0
CRLPublishError      : -
RowId                : 15321
RequestId            : 0
ConfigString         : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table                : CRL

There are many. You can display additional properties by using “-Property” parameter:

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-DatabaseRow -Table CRL -Filter "CRLRowId -eq 15349" -Property *

CRLRowId               : 15349
CRLNumber              : 5086
CRLMinBase             : 5082
CRLNameId              : 0
CRLCount               : 0
CRLThisUpdate          : 2014.08.11. 16:32:57
CRLNextUpdate          : 2014.08.12. 17:52:57
CRLThisPublish         : 2014.08.11. 16:42:57
CRLNextPublish         : 2014.08.12. 16:42:57
CRLEffective           : 2014.08.08. 9:09:25
CRLPropagationComplete : 2014.08.11. 17:42:57
CRLLastPublished       : 2014.08.11. 16:42:57
CRLPublishAttempts     : 1
CRLPublishFlags        : 70
CRLPublishStatusCode   : 0
CRLPublishError        : Published by CONTOSO\Administrator

RowId                  : 15349
RequestId              : 0
ConfigString           : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table                  : CRL

PS C:\>

We can see all aspects associated with the specified CRL. CRLPublishError column tells us that this CRL wasn’t issued automatically, but was manually triggered by a specified user account.

The same concept is used to access Attribute and Extension tables:

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-CASchema -Table Attribute

Name                               DisplayName                      DataType  MaxLength  IsIndexed
----                               -----------                      --------  ---------  ---------
AttributeRequestId                 Attribute Request ID             Long      4          True
AttributeName                      Attribute Name                   String    254        False
AttributeValue                     Attribute Value                  String    8192       False

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-DatabaseRow -Table Attribute -Filter "AttributeRequestId -eq 1510"

AttributeRequestId : 1510
AttributeName      : RequestOSVersion
AttributeValue     : 6.0.6002.2
RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Attribute

AttributeRequestId : 1510
AttributeName      : RequestCSPProvider
AttributeValue     : Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider
RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Attribute

AttributeRequestId : 1510
AttributeName      : ccm
AttributeValue     : dc2.contoso.com
RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Attribute

PS C:\>

I just collected attributes associated with the RequestID = 1510. As we can see, the command returned multiple entries, each entry per attribute. To get the associated request, we can grab a corresponding row from Request table:

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-DatabaseRow -Filter "RequestId -eq 1510"

RequestID                  : 1510
Request.StatusCode         : 0
Request.DispositionMessage : Issued
Request.RequesterName      : CONTOSO\DC2$
Request.SubmittedWhen      : 2012.12.14. 20:57:51
Request.CommonName         :
CertificateTemplate        : OCSP Response Signing
RowId                      : 1510
ConfigString               : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table                      : Request

PS C:\>

Ok, this row contains a OCSP Signing certificate. Ok, now we can try to get extensions associated with the request:

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-CASchema -Table Extension

Name                               DisplayName                      DataType  MaxLength  IsIndexed
----                               -----------                      --------  ---------  ---------
ExtensionRequestId                 Extension Request ID             Long      4          True
ExtensionName                      Extension Name                   String    254        False
ExtensionFlags                     Extension Flags                  Long      4          False
ExtensionRawValue                  Extension Raw Value              Binary    4096       False

PS C:\> get-ca dc2* | Get-DatabaseRow -Table Extension -Filter "ExtensionRequestId -eq 1510"

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131074
ExtensionRawValue  : MCcGHysGAQQBgjcVCImQBoO+uDuHwY8PhLjyKoHh71UlASACAWUCAQI=

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131072
ExtensionRawValue  : MAoGCCsGAQUFBwMJ

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131073
ExtensionRawValue  : AwIHgA==

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131072
ExtensionRawValue  : MAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwk=

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131072
ExtensionRawValue  : BQA=

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131072
ExtensionRawValue  : MBaAFJ39/KrFuybixJrV0EtdamEKirpD

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 65536
ExtensionRawValue  : BBR+s0tID9GKTJbXTuuBdrCgF4Zkng==

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131074
ExtensionRawValue  : MDgwNqA0oDKGMGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuY29udG9zby5jb20vcGtpL2NvbnRvc28tREMy

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131074
ExtensionRawValue  : MF8wNAYIKwYBBQUHMAKGKGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuY29udG9zby5jb20vcGtpL2RjMmlj

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131075
ExtensionRawValue  : MAA=

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

ExtensionRequestId : 1510
ExtensionName      :
ExtensionFlags     : 131072
ExtensionRawValue  : MBGCD2RjMi5jb250b3NvLmNvbQ==

RowId              : 1510
RequestId          : 0
ConfigString       : dc2.contoso.com\contoso-DC2-CA
Table              : Extension

PS C:\>

Here we see all extension published in the issued certificate. These are not extensions from request, but extensions published in the end certificate. CA server may ignore some request extensions and adds its own extensions, like CDP, AIA, AKI and so on.


The next improvement was in Remove-Request. The biggest problem with this command was that it removed database rows one-by-one and did not supported non-Request tables. I rewrote the function and renamed to more generic Remove-DatabaseRow, so it supports:

  • single database row removal (one-by-one, as it did previously);
  • Bulk removal by using time condition. This removal is more efficient in CA database cleanup scenarios.

Bulk database removal is implemented in three parameters:

  1. CertificationAuthority – specifies the CA server to cleanup;
  2. Filter – specifies the table to cleanup;
  3. Date condition.

With these parameters we can specify the date and time before database row are considered old (I doubt that you are interesting in certificates expired 5 years ago) and safe for removal. In this case we don’t need to pass individual rows. The last example shows how you can greatly cleanup CA database from old entries in just two lines.

In the next post I will discuss about Set-Extension command and other interesting stuff.

Just to keep reference:

>> PowerShell PKI Module v3.0 <<

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