It was a long-waited decision, however, finally I did it. Today I released my two major .NET projects to GitHub:

  • ASN.1 Parser

This is my own ASN.1 binary parser. ASN.1 parser/reader is a mandatory component when you are dealing with cryptography and cryptographic messages, because all they use ASN.1. I’m using this library in ASN.1 Editor and PowerShell PKI module’s API library (it is now opensourced as well).

Repository: Asn1DerParser.NET

  • PKI .NET extensions

It is my another long-running project. Originally it was supposed to support PowerShell PKI module’s functionality, however I realized that there are other needs and continued library development beyond the PSPKI module needs. As the result, this library provides rich extended classes to support common everyday cryptography operations.


You can submit bugs/issues/suggestions in relevant project sites.

When I move ASN.1 Editor to a new code base, it will be opensourced too.

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Great thanks to your PKI library!

It helps me a lot on understanding the MS PKI.


Sorry, but link not open, where is documentation?

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