Hello, PowerShell Crypto Guy is here again. A time ago I went through one article: http://www.solution-soft.com/whitepapers/Hyper-V/TimeMachine_Hyper-V_guide.htm which is pretty interesting. However it complains that a related TechNet article Configuring Certificates for Virtual Machine Connection won't work due of the following limitations:
- PowerShell or DOS cannot seem to create a Qword value.
- The VMMS service requires two critical certificates Extension Fields These are:
Field= “Key Usage” Value = “Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment (30)”
Field= “ Value = “02 01 04"
These fields are present in the local host certificates created locally by VMMS. As of the writing of this paper & working with Microsoft support we have been unable to create a certificate with these values using any other means.
Fortunately both statements are not correct:
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