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Hi S-1-1-0! Today I would like to talk about one of the most requested case — expired user certificate removal from Active Directory.

By default when user requests an authentication and/or encryption certificate from an Enterprise CA it is published to userCertificate property under user account in Active Directory. Published authentication certificate is used for certificate mapping to a user account (or group) and are used by domain controllers during certificate-based authentication. Encryption certificates can be used to provide an access to certain encrypted content. In the case of secure email, sender retrieves recipient's certificate from Active Directory and uses it for mail message encryption purposes. The same process occurs when a user want to provide an access to encrypted file (EFS) for another user. Retrieved certificate is used to re-encrypt symmetric encryption key material.

The negative side here is that certificates sometime expires. If existing certificate is renewed it is added to the userCertificate attribute and expired certificates are not replaced. Certain applications can filter expired certificates and display/select only valid certificates. However other applications may not. In the large environments expired certificates increases Active Directory replication traffic. As the result certain companies performs sanity certificate cleanup on a regular basis. The question here — how can I do this? Lets explore some background and solutions.

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Some time ago I've posted a simple code example that will retrieve registered CSPs: Get registered CSPs on the system. The code was updated to provide detailed information about supported algorithms and protocols by particular CSP. Updated version of this code is shipped with my PowerShell PKI module as a Get-CryptographicServiceProvider cmdlet. The output is pretty informative:

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An updated version of the script is published in this blog post: How to convert PEM to PFX in PowerShell (revisited)

Hello again. Continuing the previous post: How to join certificate and private key to a PKCS#12(PFX) file I'll talk a bit more about certutil.exe and openssl.exe private key formats and it differences. Let's start:

  • OpenSSL is big-endian by a nature, Microsoft CryptoAPI — little-endian;
  • OpenSSL uses ASN.1 structures, but Microsoft CryptoAPI — unmanaged C++-like structures.

Here is a structure type definition for PKCS#1 private key structure:

RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
	version Version,
	modulus INTEGER, -- n
	publicExponent INTEGER, -- e
	privateExponent INTEGER, -- d
	prime1 INTEGER, -- p
	prime2 INTEGER, -- q
	exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1)
	exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1)
	coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p
	otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL

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Hello, PowerShell Crypto Guy is here again. A time ago I went through one article: which is pretty interesting. However it complains that a related TechNet article Configuring Certificates for Virtual Machine Connection won't work due of the following limitations:

  • PowerShell or DOS cannot seem to create a Qword value.
  • The VMMS service requires two critical certificates Extension Fields These are:
    Field= “Key Usage” Value = “Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment (30)”
    Field= “ Value = “02 01 04"
    These fields are present in the local host certificates created locally by VMMS. As of the writing of this paper & working with Microsoft support we have been unable to create a certificate with these values using any other means.

Fortunately both statements are not correct:

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Some time ago one guy asked me for a script that will do the following:

  1. Extracts all archived keys from CA database;
  2. decrypts these keys (by using key recovery agent certificate)
  3. saves decrypted keys in a PFX (PKCS#12) format;
  4. creates simple log files: one with serial numbers that were decrypted successfully and another were decryption process was unsuccessful.

This scenario is common when an organization decided to move to a new PKI with new CA database. However it is highly recommended to move archived private keys from old to a new CA server. This is because even if new PKI is used, there might be a lot of encrypted stuff (encrypted files or outlook mails). And if user looses his/her encryption private keys he/she still should have an access to encrypted content. As the result you should move archived keys to a new CA for key recovery purposes only.

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