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Certificate Server Interfaces

The following interfaces are exported by the Server Engine and are called by external objects.

ICertConfig Used by clients to get information about a server.
ICertRequest Used to send a request to the server and get the results of the request.
ICertAdmin Used by administration programs to manage requests, certificates, and revocation.
ICertServerPolicy Used by the policy module to get and set certificate and request properties.
ICertServerExit Used by exit modules to get and set certificate and request properties.

The following interfaces are imported by the Server Engine.

ICertExit Exported by exit modules. Used by the Server Engine to deliver finished certificates and revocation information.
ICertPolicy Exported by the policy module. Used by the Server Engine to check requests and get properties for certificates.

The following interfaces can be exported by extension handlers and are imported by the policy module.

ICertEncodeAltName Used by the policy module to handle alternate name arrays used in certificate extensions.
ICertEncodeBitString Used by the policy module to handle bit strings used in certificate extensions.
ICertEncodeCRLDistInfo Used by the policy module to handle CRL distribution information arrays used in certificate extensions.
ICertEncodeDateArray Used by the policy module to handle date arrays used in certificate extensions.
ICertEncodeLongArray Used by the policy module to handle long arrays used in certificate extensions.
ICertEncodeSampleStructure1 Sample interface demonstrating how to handle a custom structure used in certificate extensions.
ICertEncodeSampleStructure2 Sample interface demonstrating how to handle a custom structure used in certificate extensions.
ICertEncodeStringArray Used by the policy module to handle string arrays used in certificate extensions.

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