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Post name: How to disable the pop up that Windows shows when an app crashes
Original author: Alejandro Campos Magencio
Posting date: 2011-02-18T04:52:56+00:00

Hi all,

The other day a customer of mine was trying to disable the pop up dialog that Windows shows after an application crashes.

On Windows XP, they could get rid of it by going to "Control Panel > System Properties > Advanced > Error reporting", clicking on "Disable error reporting" and disabling "But notify me when critical error occurs".

On Windows 7 on the other hand, if we go to "Control Panel\System and Security\Action Center\Problem Reporting Settings" and select "Never check for solutions",we still see a dialog when app crashes. The dialog says:

[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
MyAppName has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program.

[Close the program] [Debug the program]

A command like this won't work, as it has the same effect than the control panel: serverWerOptin /disable.

We will have to set this registry value to 1 instead: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\DontShowUI

I hope this helps.


Alex (Alejandro Campos Magencio)

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