Historical Content Alert

This is a historical content for Windows NT 4.0 product and is presented for informative purposes only. All content in this directory is copyrighted and owned by Microsoft.

Development Files

The following sample code is included for developing with Microsoft® Certificate Server:

  • Sample Microsoft Visual Basic® 5.0 policy module, located in the \policyvb subdirectory of the SDK files.

  • Source code for the default Microsoft Visual C++® policy module, located in the \policy subdirectory of the SDK files.

  • Source code for the default Microsoft Visual C++® extension handler, located in the \encode subdirectory of the SDK files.

  • Sample Microsoft Visual C++ exit module, located in the \certexit subdirectory of the SDK files.

  • Certificate Server include (.H) files, located in the \inc subdirectory of the SDK files.

  • Certificate Server library (.LIB) and type library (.TLB) files for the X86 platform, located in the \lib\i386 subdirectory of the SDK files.

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